Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a Productive week! I’m ready for another!

It 5:30 on a Sunday and I am writing this from my desk at work!  People might think I’m going a bit overboard with my new found interest in doing really well at work, but I am honestly very happy to be here right now. 

This week was amazing on the work front. It was a record week for me; my sales alone represented just about 35% of our whole departments sales, that’s 14 people and I had 35% of sales!!  My uncle was very pleased and he gave me some more responsibility which I am very happy about too! My manager (Ludwig is his boss) also got promoted last week and is relocating and his old position needs to be filled.  I am definitely going to apply for that position!  It’s a bit of a stretch because I don’t really have a lot of management experience, but what the hell?  Never know if you don’t try.  I need to actually get back to preparing for my meeting with Ludwig about the position next week.  Wish me luck!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bring it on Ludwig

Today at work we had a big meeting. Ludwig’s boss is mad at him because our sales team (me included) is coming in with record low sales figures…  So because his boss is mad at him he is mad at us.  Since I have been in Austria pretty much everything has failed and today I am going to change that.  I am going to sell the shit out of this hardware and software.  I am well on my way with a great sales day today already!

Work will be the focus for the near future.  I am thinking that if I am successful in one area of my life than maybe other parts will become more successful too.  But for now loneliness is good, it means I will be able to focus on work and work alone.  I am thinking of getting in early and staying late tomorrow.  And maybe even asking Ludwig for some extra responsibility in different English speaking territories.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

A great weekend and some clarity.

What a great weekend!  Salzburg is a very pretty place and my hosts were extremely gracious and really made my stay nice.  The weekend has provided me some clarity and I have decided to, as hard as it is, forget about Michael and Adene.  They were great people for me to know but I really don’t think we are going to be able to work our differences out and I need to move ahead with my life.  Things have been hard but having some time away this weekend has really helped me put it all in perspective.  I need to focus on the future.  

Anyway here are a couple pictures from the weekend.

Awesome country

overlooking the city

My gracious hosts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Off to Salzburg

I am currently on the train on my way to Salzburg! It’s a new train with wifi which is really great.  It’s actually pretty funny they pronounce wifi here “weefee”.  But anyway my computers about to die and I forgot my charger back in Vienna so I’ve got to keep this short.  I talked with Mr. and Mrs. Bieler on the phone the other day and they seem happy to have me and they sound pretty nice and my uncle said they are really nice people.  They have a 7 year old daughter and I have, for some reason, never really loved kids… But I can’t complain I am just really happy to be getting out of Vienna for an extra -long weekend.  The shit with Michael and Adene is still getting me pretty down.  Oh well, maybe a “The Sound of Music” tour will raise my spirits.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maybe Salzburg will help

I don’t really know if I am mad, sad, or a combination of both.  At First I hated Adene, she ruined everything and I get all the blame.  But I'm also upset with Michael, he completely dismissed everything I said immediately. But i guess it make since that he would side with his long time girlfriend and not want to believe that she cheated    on him with one of their mutual friends...

“You stupid American.” I cannot get Michael’s words out of my head, playing over and over since he said them.  I guess I could confront Adene.  But what good would that do? I would probably just get myself in more trouble.  I guess I should just get used to being alone in Austria. 

Even though I have been pretty mentally absent at work, it’s actually going really well and I think I have enough money to head out to Salzburg.  I have heard it’s really nice and Ludwig has some friends out there who said they would be happy to have me.  So maybe this weekend I’ll head out there and try and get my mind off the whole Michael and Adene situation.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I told Michael

I told Michael about what happened…

It was this Wednesday and I went very badly. We got a coffee downtown at this little corner cafĂ© after I got out of work and I started to describe the night to him. I was very detailed in my description.  I didn’t want to leave anything out at all.  It was very interesting how Michael was taking it, he wasn’t talking at all. Not asking any questions or offering any comments.  Once I finished the recap of the night there was an awkward silence that seemed to last about 10 minutes.  Then in a very calm voice Michael called the waiter over order about €100 worth of food.  Once the waiter left, Michael looked me straight in the eyes and said in almost a whisper, “You are a liar.  Your lies make me sick. I cannot believe you would make up such a story after all we have done for you.  We will never speak again.  Good bye you stupid American.”  He then left and shortly after I received a table full of different coffee pastries and cakes. Which I paid for but didn’t eat.

Really shitty day.
